My friend bought this bike last year. He leaves in Punjab. This is the bike for the people who leaves in HILL-STATIONS.
As the bike is basically designed for hill places this bike may not do 100 percent justice for that statement.
The basic reason could be fuel efficiency. It is hard that if it gives 30 kmpl. However, 6 gear would permit the bike to cruise at highway speeds.
When it comes to Handling RE delivers bikes that are capable. The large 121-inch front gear increase its STABILITY. It has 220 mm ground clearance.
It is 182 kg ample weight.It is not perfectly Reliable. It easily gets damage in hill station rides for which it is designed.
Its Performance is not good with 200 CC engine. Its speed pick-up feature is not satisfactory.The design is more appreciable than the reliability.
Ex-Showroom price is 1.51 lakhs.
My SUGGESTION is not to buy this bike instead buy THUNDERBIRD.