Thunderbird 350 Model: 2007
Years Used: 2007 - 2015
Price paid: 1, 02, 000/-(on road) . Price sold: 51, 000/-
Kilometers done: 52, 000 km
Mileage: 32 km/liter
Money spent on Engine work: 30, 000/-
The bike offers good comfortable ride and you can cruise at 80-95 km/hr speed with comfort. This is the only good point in this bike.
It is the most un-reliable bike. All En-field bikes are worst and not reliable. In all my long road trip either I have battery problem, accelerator cable issues, Gear box problems etc.
Poor quality engine, spares, battery and wiring
Maintenance cost is 1 rs/km apart from petrol.(Actually you can maintain diesel car with the same maintenance cost)
Battery does not last more than a year. Exide batter cost 1600!
Mileage drops from 40 to 30-32 after 10, 000 km are done
Self starter stops working after a year or so. Even after lot of repairs, it keeps getting unusable
Lot of battery and cable issues.
Bike refuses to start when it is most required and you will be stranded and crying for help on trips. It is a holiday ruin-er bike
Use it for a year and half and sell it before it starts giving trouble
Try buying old cast iron engine bullets.
Think about going for car(if you are a family guy) as the maintenance cost is same
For youngsters, please buy this and enjoy all the trouble this bike gives on long trips and post your actual user feedback like me later, after many many years:)