I bought this bike 4 years before, till now iam getting the same performance and mileage. This is one of the standard bike I ever seen.
Speciality & Advantage:-
- Low maintenance cost - I service my bike only for every 6-7 months till that I will not any single problem.
2.Style - I dont want to say anything about style, it is well known to all. It has awesome look which attract others by style and sound.
Comfort - I dont feel comfort level of Royal Enfield in any other bikes even with imported bike too.
History - Royal Enfield started and manufacturing from 1893, which ensures good quality and trust.
5.Efficiency - Unlike other bikes my royal Enfield Thunder bird 350, till now iam getting 40-45 mileage from start.
Service - In India we cant find good service station for Royal Enfield at all, because I used this bike in three major cities but till now I cant find good mechanic or service station.
Apart from that I dont analyse any disadvantage in this bike.
Finally, I would prefer all use this bike which deserved all credits!