Hi Friends,
I bought my Black TBTS on April 17- 2009. The moment I ride it first time when I start and come out from showroom, its actually gives you the feel of Royalty as as u can feel from its name.
Buy TBTS is worth 1lac. The main thing about this bike is if you take care of your Enfield a bit it will gives you smooth ride for life.
Its fact, if your TBTS had not completed its 2000kms, dont exceed the speed over to 65-70.Since as per technical reasons the engine took some time of running to get proper settings as per you riding style.
Also whenever you people washes your TBTS, please use shampoo instead of washing powder. Detergents in washing powder can harm the coating of shining which gives best looks to you bike.
Also I always gives a one polish after every wash, for this I uses a polish came witha name of "Formula F1", it gives shining as well as washes out a small and minor scratches.
At last I do lik to say please ride carefully someone is waiting for you.