First off this is my first review. Having decided on a bike mostly on the reviews given in this site I am happy to say that im 99% satisfied. I waited one whole year (365 days exactly!!) to bring you an years log of my thunderbird. No more intros
Overview: The bike is not just a motorbike but at par with the bull. Sound is lacking but with the production of standard stopped, no use crying over it.
Power: The power of the bike is really good, it doesnt accelerate it lifts off! Looks like a lazy bull but is the first off any signal. The best thing is it can keep cruising at 80+ for miles on miles.
Braking: Disc brake is good, but I have seen better on the apache and karizma. Not the same breed agreed but the bulls brakes do the job fine. Rear brake is hydraulic, but this is hard to believe coz its as efficient as disc brake is.
Handling: I learnt to ride on this byke so I cant compare. But when you learn on this bull, fzs and karizmas are like toys when you handle them later. Quick maneuver and feather touch turnings are completely out of the question, but if you want those why are you buying a bullet?
One thing I must mention here is that for most turnings the handle bar is less used. A slight shift of weight can turn this bull with ease at any speed above thirty. So day to day non die hard handling is a breeze.
Night rides: The bull has powerful head lamp which is pretty good for night journeys. But be warned, helmet is a must. I went out without one and now go out with fake front teeth :)
Long rides: My long rides end at 400kms. And the bike gave not even one hiccup at any point.
CONS: Had to have my spring clutch repaired. Dont know why but kicker got stuck. Warranty covered it. Also self got fused. Had to be replaced. A side foot rest broke off but no warranty. Spent 350 rs on that. Just today had to go tighten my side stand and tommorrow to weld back a silencer which mysteriously broke at a joint! Be ready for a few trips to the workshop for sure.
But with that in mind I would say its a good buy. And if you are looking for a trouble free motorbike in all respects, go for avenger. Its a decent bike but no bull for sure.
For owners of new thunderbird or wannabes
First 500kms under 40km/hr please. RPM below 3. If possible 2. Kick start but use self as any complaints need be addressed before warranty goes bye bye. Dont plate or teflon coat it. Regular washing oiling and waxing will keep it good for really long time. Ride hard!
Please ask if anyone needs info on products and ways of caring for the bike!