Trust My Word Before buying anything from Royal Enfield.
I bought the Bike after completely reading the Reviews on Internet. Eventhough there were Negative points mentioned, I just dint believed that and went for it. Literally I didnt liked the Reviews which are having Negative Points about RE!
I bought the Bike and the first day itself teh Oil started leaking from Crank Case. it was not just leaking but it was pouring the oil out.
And so I went to the Service station and showed it to them, they said something inseide the crank has to be tightened and I agreed to it.
I am fighting to get it resolved for the past 4 months and they were never able to.
I am just going to mention all the negative things so taht you can check when you buy.
Run the ENgine for atleast 5 minutes, rise the Engine and also make sure Oil is there in Engine, most of the time there will be no oil in Engine so that Oil wont leak while you test and they wont allow you to Rise the Engine.
Check for Break, the Break is so pathetic( No Back Break, I asked them whether all the RE Bikes are like this or only mine is like this. They said all teh RE are like this)
Check for Rust in all the parts.
Mileage you will get between 35-40.
Check for Petrol leak.
Whenever you go for oil Change, they will charge for 2.5 litres of Oil, but you cant see the oil above the Low Level. This is a technique they follow so that oil wont leak, but its bad for Engine.
They do not replace any parts even if is a major problem. FOr me they said they wanted to replace Crank Case for Oil leak and still tehy have not replaced it. Its been almost three months now.
Painting so bad.
Chrome so bad it has rusted in several places.
Key is pathetic( Iasked them to replace the whole key and I said I will pay, they said, the Keys are like this, we replace it with RE Product only and that will be of same quality).
Gear Shifting Problem.
This vehicle is good for others but not for Riders / Owners.
They give us very bad service.
Still going to Buy? Buy it and you will come and write in this very same Thread and mention that it is a crap!
Also, my friend has a 500 CC Classic, he has reboured the engine and changed the Injection tube, within 1 year. So pathetic Quality.
Only one advantage is When you ride, all the heads will turn towards you, and you should show your Smiling face keeping all the pain inside.
I am 5.3 Feet Tall, I am very Small, my weight is 43 KGs!, but still I can ride teh bike, so there is no problem in controlling the bike, if you have a good Experience. Yes, while turning, it skids most of the time, its because of the Tyre, its small for its body and weight.
Now a days, most of us are going for RE, because of its look and but if RE started thinking of its customer and Quality, No one can beat this Vehicle.
Please check the pictures I have attached in my profile, you will come to know about its Quality and Service.
Thanks All!
Its been one year with this bike now.
the following are the replacement I got.
Crank Case. - due to oil leak
Battery. - one cell is gone so replaced it.
Electric Starter. - created noise and never starts, so replaced it.
I also replaced Chain and Sprocket.
I have covered 18600 Kms in one year. I still love it. As said, the pain is with me and not for the spectators.