I purchased the bike on 7th March 2011, done about 620 kms, first service done on completion of 500 kms. Got 50 kms to a litre of fuel, by top up method. Riding as per the advice of dealer not exceeded 40 kms during 500 kms run. Touched 70 kms for few seconds after 600 kms. But will take precautions till second free service at 3000 kms.
I like the handling and comfort of this bike. I do not like people touching it in parking :-)). I also have Honda Unicorn. But you cannot compare Royal Enfield bikes with any other bike. It is different. I went to purchase Normal black bullet with brakes on right side, but got thunderbird due to its looks. I am not used to old Bullet which has a brake on left side, I had a fall from it couple of years ago. These new machines from Royal Enfield are a boon for people like me who are used to riding motorcycles with brakes on rights side.
During first start in the morning engine has to be started and idling is required for few minutes to warm up and lubricate the inside parts. Dont go by the advice of old timers who will advice you to run the machine with choke on, or put engine oil in petrol for lubrication etc etc etc. Maybe that will hold good for their machines. Overall as of now I am happy with my new thunderbird. I read few good advices on this site. I am also thinking about purchasing good riding gear (gloves, jacket, knee caps etc.) for long rides. Only one issue that came was that my handle lock was not working, which was repaired by RE dealer in the parking of my office, so you can also expect good service.