I too got call from thse guys marketing team, after reading your view I just neglected them, Actually earlier also I had received such a call from some other resort marketing team , and I had the same experience as yours. Hence When I got call from Royal resort goa, I immediately checked here. Thanks for your views. It saved my time.
Dont fall for there free coupons or something, they will cheat you!!! Dont fall for there free coupons or something, they will cheat you!!! Instead of giving you coupons, they will persuade you to take membership, and if you dont take , they will behave as if you are some kind of criminal.
If you get coupons, then it will be some dingy resort and I am sure they will say no booking available for next 6 months and till then your coupon date expires .
As far as one of the reader goes Anu6June s experience, its because she got a call from reputed and reliable company LIC and not from any tom dick Harry resort owners. My Advice: BEWARE!!!