I personally do not know why anyone hasnt still reported them to the police yet! The most plausible explanation for it should be the fact that how convincing these people sound. They seem right, give you almost perfect offers, that people will find hard to resist. But no matter what, they should resist. On all grounds. These people are cheating innocent customers.
They lure you in their premises giving through silly scratch cards which assure you a win. But those cards are fraudulent. Youll always win when you get there, yes, but its always going to be a stay at their hotel. Not the ipod, not the dvd, not the television. Only a holiday where you stay in thier hotel. With management charges. (a fact that they hide.) Apart from giving you this present, they will try to coax, aim at your weaknesses and really force your brains to convince yourself that you need this irresistible new scheme that their amazing line of international hotel is offering.
This is why they brought you, luring you by their fancy gift cards, giving you a free taxi ride till their hotel. So that you sign up the deal. A deal in which you are sure to end up loosing money in lacs.
Can you believe that? Lakhs!!! A fraud in lakhs and no ones doing anything about it!!
They convince you that theyre right, but theyre good at math, trust me. They shouldnt be trusted. Not be trusted. Im actually going to go around spread awareness of how they have duped so many innocent couples (mostly couples.)
Their scheme doesnt seem flawed, but it is. It really is flawed. Back away as soon as possible.
This brand is not to be trusted.