We landed in the Royal Palm resort near the benoulim beach thru Country Club. We wanted to take a holiday to Goa, it was a last minute decision, and since Country Club De Goa was full we were given a booking in this resort. At first glance the resort seemed ok. Before leavin Mangalore, we were told that we would b getting a 2 bedroom apartmen, but upon reaching there we wer given jus a one bedroom, that too for of us, and one member was charged additional rate of Rs 500 per day. We too, were givena room on the third floor. And there are no lifts. If u have old aged ppl along then it can v difficult. The room was jus ok, nt in a great condition. The kitchen appliances wer quite old n rusted. the bathroom was all cracked up. The linen and towels werent that clean either.
The day we aarived we were told that we would have to compulsarily attend a 15 minute presentation. They gave us no clue as to what the presentation would be about. We mostly dined outside. There are quite a few gud places to eat. The beach is quite far. Not a walkable distance. We had our vehicle so it wasnt a problem for us.
The worst thing was the presentation. On the previous day a man called Chris came to our apartment with an Australian lady. He said that he looked after the resort and that the lasy was new and he was showing her around. He talked nicely and was very friendly. He appeared very helpful. then we told him we were leaving the next day morning, upon which he said that we must visit the presentation. We had wanted 2 leave early as it was a long drive back, and we didnt want to travel at night. But he said that its jus a 15min presentation. When he asked about our stay we told him that we didnt like the accomodation etc upon which he said sum crap about them rennovtaing and such things.
The next day we went for the "15min" presentation. He first showed us the Haathi Mahal resort which is supoosedly 5star. The Royal Palms is 4star. There he showed us apartment(a really gr8 one) and said that if v join them then we wud get to stay in such aptmts etc. Then he showed us around and took us 2 a room where many other ppl wer bein talked in2 joinin dem as members. He started using all possible marketing strategies. whatevr he was saying was quite alluring. We wer interested in thebegining. but his 15min talk kept getting longer. We kept askin him the price but he went on wit the features. Then he said it wud cost us "jus" 4lakhs. Upon which we refused. HE said he cud bring it down to 3.5lakhs. We told him we cant make such a decision in such a short time, but he was like we hav to giv in d decision now itself, n furthermore pay 35000 then and there itself. We declied sayin we cant make such big decisions in such a short notic, plus if they really wanted us to think bout it they shud hav called us on the first day of arrival n nt wen v wer leavin.
I m so lucky that we declined his offer. After reading all the reviews here, m jus gald we didnt fall prey to that. But these guys can b pretty aggresive and convincing. The previous days chit chat was only to loosen us up n for them to gain an insight on us. Evryone plz Beware of such schemes!