Dear readers, beware of this insurance company called Royal Sundaram. They try very hard to market and hardsell their insurance to you.
In the process, they make very tall claims and would virtually guarantee to you that their service is the best there is that money can buy, but you will realise all the gimmick the moment you make a claim.
They come up with very reasonable quotes for you, but once you claim, what follows makes you realise as to why their quotes are so cheap.thats because when you claim, they have absolutely no intention of paying!
Insurance is supposed to support you in your times of need, but Royal Sundaram will virtually disown you if you make a claim. They will try delay tactics, come up with various small print clauses and approval processes unheard of to ensure you get frustrated and withdraw your claim. And once youve done that, the sigh of relief in their words and actions is so evident that it is almost loud!
Please avoid Royal Sundaram and go for the more dependable nationalised companies, they are a hundred times better. Royal Sundaram is just out there to fleece you of your hard earned funds and make a quick buck for themselves.
Among the ratings below, Claim settlement(-)10, customer service(-)8, staff attitude(-)10. Sadly, there is no place to provide negative ratings here.