ROYAL SUNDARAM INSURANCE has a very arrogant and uninformed Customer Service.
I have been contacting the CS from Oct 16 and could not receive any concrete information till date on Mar22, 2016 regarding the transfer of a policy for my car( A Preowned Car).
They asked me to send the new Registration certificate copy over an email and the policy would be modified accordingly which they can even verify online to process. Also informed me that it might take about 15 days to receive the updated policy copy. Accepted
Being busy for a month in my job, I inquired them in the month of Jan17 again, They asked me to send again which I did. Now the worst part is the reply came after a month saying Please get this updated while you renew the policy which is just forcing me to pay the next year premium with ROYAL SUNDARAM INSURANCE.
Each time I did I was speaking to the CS and was asked to repeat the entire things happening which they have no track of even if I mentioned the policy number along with my contact number and email(each time). Finally the last day of policy date has arrived and I called up to avoid any delay in renewal assuming only a few are like that with no proper efforts to service the customers. I somehow silenced myself and asked for detail of online renewal mentioning change in name needed as before. Very Kindly they replied renew the policy online with your CC and send the payment confirmation email to us along with Request for change in name of the policy holder which I did again. Now after a day, they said we cannot update the name so visit the nearest branch. I got literally irritated that I did believe the company after months of nonsensical mismatched information from each person in ROYAL SUNDARAM INSURANCE Customer Care. Giving another chance was my approach always so I thought would speak for the last one time.
Someone named Mr.Manikantan attended the call after IVR( just a name sake I believe by now) he started asking for each detail again I was stopping myself but gave the information. At the completion of data mining a new thing came out that the policy is attached to a branch and cannot be altered by the ROYAL SUNDARAM INSURANCE itself, I am not sure what that means would another insurer do it for ROYAL SUNDARAM.
I had to stop the person reading the scripts and query him why it cant be?
Got a reply thatHE CANT HELP on it.
When I asked him to transfer the call to someone who can help on this repliedHE CANT TRANSFER THE CALL
When asked if I CAN CANCEL the policy which I mistakenly renewed yesterday.
He said very recklessly, Please send an email to CANCEL the policy, without even having the courtesy to feel ashamedHE COULDNT HELP on my issue. Also raised his voice, Being an irate customer by the service given by ROYAL SUNDARAM INSURANCE and betrayed even after renewing the policy as per the process given by ROYAL SUNDARAM INSURANCE CUSTOMER CARE itself, I too did put my statements firm. The reason my voice raised is because he did repeat same statement that HE CANT and that adds no value of CUSTOMER SERVICE or my purpose of the call to ROYAL SUNDARAM INSURANCE is not addressed.
Now next.
Asked if I can Cancel the policy and if I do so, what will be the time taken to Cancel. again sameCANT GIVE THAT INFORMATION as it is a different team.
Asked for transferring the call to that department, Again sameCANT TRANSFER unless I have a cancellation request number. See the expectation DO THEY EXPECT a CUSTOMER TO FALL PREY REPEADLY which actually made me write my feedback here.
Quiet weirdly, I dont even know what will be the time taken as I will also have to now get my car insured with some other insurer I asked for if there will be any CANCELLATIONS CHARGES for a very BADLY SERVICED Car INSURANCE POLICY. Same Answer, I DONT HAVE THAT INFORMATION
Knowing that HE CANT TRANSFER and DONT HAVE THE INFORMATION, asked him to collect the information by placing my CALL ON HOLD.
Came back after a few minutes, Saying that the department is closed and CANT get the information beyond the time taken to be around 7 to 10 days.
This is the worst of the CUSTOMER SERVICE I think we have in this industry on for that matter in the entire country. I hope this review will help others NOT TO APPROACH ROYAL SUNDARAM INSURANCE for Insurance needs or STOP EXPECTING SERVICE from them EVEN after paying for the same.
One big disguise is that, While he raised his voice in just repeating his statements he I think mistakenly revealed the entire details of my contacting Royal Sundaram for name change from the last Nov16 till Mar17.
THE END of it for me NOW. Because he made me repeat my bad experience again while having the detail.
Just to put in a record I asked him to give a reference number for this instance which he gave as856e5279.
I believe I would atleast receive an update on this as ROYAL SUNDARAM INSURANCE has my email details and was sending automated emails(The only thing it does except Customer Service)
PLEASE DO NOT GO with ROYAL SUNDARAM INSURANCE. My sincere advise with experience.
I am also forced to provide rating for RATES/PREMIUM/CLAIM SETTLEMENT/RANGE OF PLANS also which will be negative and coming from CUSTOMER SERVICE/STAFF ATTITUDE.