I had purchased a car insurance from my Tata India Vista car from Royal Sundaram. Last week, I had a minor accident with a BMTC bus. I have left the vehicle for repair with TATA authorized service station. The car was inspected the next day, Friday.
The repair personnel were waiting for insurance approval to start the repair work. When I called up on Monday, I came to know the status and I called up the Roal Sundaram executive only to be told that the approval may take another 3-4 days approximately to know if it is approved or not, though he did not mention what was the exact reason for it. He said, there could be multiple reasons and the process takes so much time. I called up the customer care executives with all the details. They promised me that they will arrange for a call back, and it never happened. I continued calling them for about 3 days continuously for over 12-15 times, the response was same, that my request has been forwarded to the claims department and they will get back to me.
One of the customer care executives gave another two numbers to call up and talk to : 9545511123 and 9845955567. I called up both of them. One of the number went to Mumbai, as a wrong number, another number went to your claims department and she said she do not have any details about my claims.
They meant to say, I have to wait indefinitely, and the process is never a transparent as why the claim is pending for a long time. I am depending in my car on day-to-day basis to go to my office. It is not meant to be kept in the Garage for weeks together.
They never have a sense of Hassle-free claims and cashless claims which they boast themselves of.
I have written to the grievance redressal cell of Royal Sundaram. I got an automated reply as they have received a mail. They never said when they are going to get back to me. So hapless situation with Royal Sundaram.
Tata motors suggested me to go with them as they have tie-up with them I do not know what kind of tie-up they meant. I think all these goes hand-in-hand. Please avoid buying insurance from Royal Sundaram.