Remain a bonafide and obedient customer of RPG for years, you will never win the guarantee that your connection will continue even if you miss your payment even once after 24 months. You are not supposed to fall sick ever, not supposed to forget ever, however busy you are, you are not supposed to miss ever the due date of payment of your RPG Cellular cell phone! "Customer Relation" is a parmanently missing vocabulary from the dictionary of RPG Cellular.
You do not want to change your Reliance number( CDMA) but want to buy a better version of instrument(handset), preferably with a good camera of atleast 5 megapixel? Forget it! You have to accept whatever RPG wants to give you; there are only two models with cameras, limited to 2 megapixels only! You cannot get a CDMA handset from the open market.
Once you adopt a CDMA service provider like RPG, you are like a trapped jackal, you forego your tail( forgo your number and the handset as well), to get out of it!
Please ensure that RPG Cellular signal reaches inside your office premises, otherwise everytime you enter your office you have to call forward your number to your office PEBX, and deactivate each time you come out of your office.
.Never enter the Reliance World in your handset in paying the additional subscription. Monthly subscription will be perrenial but services are occasional- please never make such mistake!
Beware of RPG Cellular!
- Dipak Bhattacharya / Delhi.