* R.P.S Teachers training college Patna is a lootera and if you seek admission in B.Ed then think thousand times before approaching. RPS teachers training college is the worst B.Ed college in Patna and therefore I am sharing my experience and also my aim to warn those who are seeking admissions in any of the institute run by RPS Trust. I have undergone horrible experience with RPS teachers training college patna and socked many times during my course completion due to administration demand of money on several occasion.
I have been a victim while pursuing B.Ed from R.P.S teachers training college patna and thats why I am writing this to reveal the actual picture of the college which is full of unethical practices, corruption, loot and violation of UGC norms. I passed the test conducted by the institute and got admission in B.Ed course. I was told the fee would be 90 thousand all inclusive and can be paid in two installment but need to be fully paid before the final examination form filling.
As such I paid the first installment of 35 thousand. I was surprised when they demanded 75 thousand instead of the balance 45 thousand at the time of filing final exam form. They gave no reason except that under the instruction of the director.
What you can undergo after getting admission in any college of RPS Society, Patna.
Get ready for spontaneous demand of money without any justification.
The college treat its students as cash cow or ATM machine whenever they want they demand money for no reason.
They will accept all fees in cash only just to accumulate black money in crores.
They provide much lesser amount receipt than actually paid.This clearly means generating crores of black money. Ask for the reason and they will say " Yahan aise hi chalta hai."
For practical exams, they charge anything between 15000 to 25000 INR.
Despite of submitting all assignments, they charge 15000 to 20000 INR on the name of assignment marks. You dont have any choice except paying it and thats too in cash. This is unaccounted black money they are generating. Not only this, Even when you go to collect your marksheet after passing the final exam they charge 5000 to 15000 INR again in cash only and thats too after clearing all dues. So, if you take this into account, You can easily estimate that how much black money they are generating. Is UGC and income tax department noticing it?
The course is affiliated to magadh university despite of that there is more than 2.5 times difference in fees. This is why friends I am cautioning you just to avoid enrolling yourself in this "lootera" institute. Several of my friends who took admission in RPS Engineering college had undergone worst experience and actually landed paying 2 to 3 lakhs more than what were actually told at the time of admission. Once you get admitted you dont have any choice except keep fulfilling their time to time demand of money on whatsoever name as if getting blackmailed to spoil your career.
The Director of the Institute and can go to any limit for money. He just wants money and money at any cost and students taking admission in any school or college of R.P.S group of institute are treated as the best source for that. They are exploited to the limit and consecutively frightened to spoil the results or expel if they deny or oppose this loot. *