I am sorry to say but your Drs do not have the expertise to handle critical patients.Though you have all the latest equipments your Drs do not have the expertise. We lost our mom due to the negligence /lack of knowledge of your Drs. Would like to mention Dr Duggal who handled my mothers case. My mother who was admitted for low BP in a normal ward was moved to the CCU , then the NTU and finally we lost her. I am very much sure if some competent Dr had handled her case before putting her on the ventilator she would have been alive with us today.
The patient is just and experiment for the Dr. My mother was recovering well from the ventilator and suddenly on 23rd Aug her BP went down. For 23 days though, on ventilator she always maintained her BP with very little BP medicine support (around 2ml) And the ICU Drs says she got a hospital acquired infection. Initially they forced us to put her on the ventilator and later they were reluctant to remove her from the ventilator when she was doing good. I can never forgive RHC because of whom I have lost my mother. I can never forgive ...
Though we had heard good feedback from Prachi Sathe, we could not consult her because Dr Duggal was not in good terms with her.
Its so strange Drs have ego issues. They are not concerned about the patient at all..for them their ego is more important. I will personally not recommend to RHC to any of my firends /relatives