Remember 16th december? I watched the movie because I expected it a sci-fi directed by Manishankar but boo! this movie is a total flop.... this film fails to make an impact on audience, the story is all about dr.gayatri who wants to have nobel prize...shes a scientist she meets a guy with supernatural power Varun who has ability to heal the patients...lots illogical phenomena happens in this so called sci-fi movie.... then this guy(varun) meets a mad guy, gayatri challenges him to cure mad guy n all the sucking things happen... the mad guy is actually a converted rakshas, who gets mad on listening manta , varun then goes to his father and asks him abt this madguy .....suddenly a black smoke is seen on the movie screen .... bhuriya kills varuns father, bhuriya has got rudraksh of rawan he wants to rule the world....this is all abt the sucked up movie!
Please dont watch this movie..even if someone offers you free tickets!
Its a total waste of money and time!The movies plot is lifted from matrix, terminator and tomb raider.
Dont forget to watch sanju baba (varun) hes really looking like clown hes accompanied by his dear friend suniel shetty(bhuriya).