Rules of Self Development:
Self-development is taking personal responsibility for ones own learning and development through a process of assessment, reflection, and taking action. Once you come to realize that you want to improve yourself, you take steps in realizing your goals and your potential. You can never go back to they way you were before. Once youve learn something in life share your knowledge with others.
In the past I was never content with myself. I wanted to be a better person until I found websites on the internet that helped me fulfill my present goals of becoming a self-actualize person.
The first step in self development is admitting to yourself that you are not satisfied with yourself and that you need help in becoming a better person. Second, be prepared for doing the work in self-development. Third, commit yourself in doing whatever is necessary for self change. Keep a log book or diary of your progress. Keep track of your activities. If you believe in yourself, you can do anything, and someday be content of who you are, like a self-fulfilling prophecy. One more thing, attitude is the key ingredient in being successful in achieving whatever you set to do. Develop a win personality of not giving up and not saying Im not good at this, or saying thats too difficult. Last, have the burning desire of fulfilling your ultimate list of goals and never give up.
Ways of Becoming a Good Person:
1) Have a mentor
Having a mentor is good because they give you advice and lead you to the right direction in life. Also, they can be your good friend; they are there for you when you need them.
2) Write down your goals
Jot down in a piece of paper the things you like to achieve in your life. Read it once in a while so that you wont forget or be reminded. This worked for me and Im happy that I wrote down my goals.
3) Participate in social groups
Its never too late to participate in groups because you can learn a lot, like how to develop social skills and your communication skills. You can make new friends too.
4) Online courses
A free site which offers wide variety of subjects from Literature and languages to life improvement.
Another free course. You will like this one. This one is my favorite.
5) Newsletters
This is the best way to learn self development because newsletters are free and sent to your e-mail address.
6) Go to bookstores and read or buy self-improvement book/s.
7) Buy audio cassette tapes from a bookstore. You will never be disappointed if you listen to it whenever you have time.