I kinda like the movie - well thats bcoz I think MILIND SOMAN is really cute and hot, and like couple of the songs too. Overall the movie wasnt bad, it was a good enough COMEDY LOVE STORY - very nice - its worth watching atleast once!
I think this movie was very nice to watch, either with ur friends or family, it wasnt really ADULT rated, except the LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG kissing scene it was perfectly CLEAN!
Just the GAY GUY part was really UN-necessary! It was very STUPID! I would really recommend ppl to watch it (specially MILIND SOMAN) Enjoy the movie, and dont forget to write your comments - and then well see how much we match!
Go ahead have fun watch the movie - Enjoy - Well I just watched it because I was kind of bored and when I turned ON the Television - this was coming so I said Fine - lets have a look - and I am realllllllllllllllllllly glad I did!