I was having a very negative feeling about RupeeMail when I heard this for the first time. I registered with it by thinking its one among the junk out there….. I even decided not to send invite to my friends until I receive some RupeeMails from them.
For my surprise, in a weeks time, I started receiving RupeeMails to my inbox. More than the money part which was varying from 25 paisa to Rs 1, all were very informative and good offers. For example, I came to know about BuzzInTown.com , which is wonderful site for me, through RupeeMail. I also received a Britanica CD offer from India Today, which I eventually bought, also through RupeeMail.
I was also very reserved about how they are going to handle my payments, so I decided to request a Cheque for Rs 30/- for testing them and to my surprise again; I got a account payee cheque in my name from them by 12 days of my request. So these people are doing what they claim they will do…..