Rupeetalk turned out to be quite useful to me. Infact, anybody who is looking for information on credit cards, loans and other products will find it very useful. They really have simplified it for the customer with comparative analysis of quite a few products.
They have a huge volume of content and helps understand all the terms I wasnt really used to. Looking at the way people get caught in credit card traps, this kind of information is really enlightening. The only problem is the content is like secluded in a completely different section. The user could do with some help on the product page as well.
The design and layout of the site is pretty pleasing and the process of application for credit cards is quite simplified. There are two ways of applying. If you dont have much time you can also use a very small quick apply. Once youve applied the rupee talk executive gives you a call almost immediately and takes your details required for the product youve applied for. For a customer it is least annoying and a very efficient process.