Usually good movies come with Sequel. Jaws had attached a string of sequels to it. Perhaps the shark wanted to bite more than he can chew. Does that statement reflect on my sense of humor? Same goes with the sequels series species, Terminator and Hot Shots. Coming to Hot Shots I and II I loved both the sequels. Hot Shots is a funny movie. When you have a movie that?s supposed to be funny, its ok on how many sequels are done as long as it doesn?t bore you to death,
(the information on Jaws updated following a cue from duryodhana)
This Sequel did just as good as the parent film. Usually I make it a point not to expect anything more from the sequel. If Chris One-liners don?t get you, Jackies dumb wit humor will. If that doesn?t get you, both these put together their exploits will. But some how somewhere, you will be laughing at this comedy sequel. Now the theme is pretty much the same. Laughs, jokes, one liners, sentences and paragraphs are all the same but then it does tickle the funny bone marrow. The key ingredient is what comes up next comes up as a surprise and it is this surprise element that makes the viewer glued to the screen. Whether it is action sprinkled with humor or Humor sprinkled with action either way it is entertaining. (Actually I could have used the term vice versa, but the introduction must look lengthy)
Carter (Chris Tucker) and Lee (Jackie Chan) are in Hong Kong on a vacation. That?s were we left them off last. There is a certain gang in Hong Kong who is either blowing up US consulates or Police headquarters and precincts. Our Comic Heroes just stumble on an adventure. Their exploits traces them back to L.A. Things took a different turn as Lee discovers the that hot pursuit is none other than the one who killed Lees father. Things are getting better than the last sequel, when the duo find themselves in he midst of action where ever they go - Be it a massage parlor, or a casino. During an investigation routine, they come across a contact who was trained by the same teacher as Lee, this contact refers to carter as 7 11 because his big mouth always comes in before he does.
Chris Tucker was just too good as his previous role if not better. Jackie Chan does what he does best. Plays dumb and kicks what I call the B * * *. When they aren?t having mini quarrels with each other they are listening to songs and fighting over the radio. While Chris tucker struggles to speak Chinese you would roll on the floor laughing. On the whole, Rush Hour II is entertaining and a good hour and a half worth watching.
James Carter: Who died, Lee?
Lee: You!
James Carter: Detective Yu?
Lee: Not Yu, you!
James Carter: Who?
Lee: You!
James Carter: Who?
Lee: Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
James Carter: Dont nobody understand the words that are coming out of your mouth.
James Carter: Now why did you say it was a bomb?
Lee: You said it was a bomb!
James Carter: I did not.
Lee: In the hotel, you said it was a bomb.
James Carter: I said she was the bomb.
Lee: She was the bomb?
Lee: women think Im cute. Like Snoopy.
James Carter: Man, Snoopy is 6 inches taller than you.
James Carter: Im from Los Angeles, we invented gangs.
Lee: Let me tell you something about Asians, we never panic.
James Carter: Oh yeah, when Godzilla be coming, you all be tripping: Giaca! Giaca!