Megadeth at their best. This is the one that made me a Megadeth fan. Pure Energy and Pure Aggression. Every song kicks here at full speed ahead. this speed metal, thrash metal & heavy metal all mixed together to give u the best of all...this is how speed metal should be high speed without killing the rythym of the song...all these new speed metal bands should learn from this album that u can have good tunes at high speed riffs also ....
The albums explodes with Holy wars.... which has one of the best intros Ive ever heard .Then continuing the massacare, is Hanger 18. With its twisted riff and superb solo, it stands as one of the best thrash songs of all time and one MEGADETHs best ever. A masterpiece. Check out RETURN TO HANGAR in the new megadeth album WORLD NEEDS A HERO....its havoc...i downloaded it as the album hasnt been released in india yet...& theres a surprise from MUSTAINE called CALLING HOME ARIZONA :)
Then comes Take no Prisoners & Five Magic which r some amazing songs too.Then theres the havoc of Lucretia.But the best is yet to come. TORNADO OF SOULS sweeps by and knocks you out. This is MEGADETHs finest hour here. Check out the solo and youll be blown away. Raw Thrash at its finest.My favorite is Tornado of Souls. Its the killer riff from Hell. If you listen to this album ANd you dont feel ecsastic... then heavy metal aint ur cup of tea for sure & my suggetion would be to stick to MTV ....
Dave Mustaines good intelligent lyrics blend perfectly with Friedmans look how fast I can play runs.
This album is without doubt Megadeths crowning achievement, a showcase of their technical skill and talent.
In my opinion this is the ultimate thrash album so DO NOT HESITATE..GET IT NOW.
Brother will kill brother
Spilling blood across the land
Killing for religion
Something I dont understand.....HOLY WARS!!!