Hello friends I am a big fan of akshya kumar thats why I watched this movie. The actors are Akshya kumar(rustam pavri), Ileana d cruz(Cynthia), Esha gupta and Arjun bajwa.Here Akshya plays the role of a naval commander who is a parsi one who married iliena dcruz(cynthia) a very happy family as the movie progress Akshya send to London for six month of duty but before six month they call back when he returns and came to know that her wife had gone yesterday afternoon and not back .He search the house due to doubt got the evidence of his wife physical relation with Arjun bajwa(bikram) the villain but when her wife returns and confessed her guilty he gone to naval office and return with his service revolver and killed bikram at his apartment and surrender at police station.Then the real interesting part comes in court the public prosecutor ask and try to prove him as murdererand how akshya kumar without any support or take help of any advocate fight for the justice and proofe him self not as the murderer.Friend in court public prosecuter and akshya asking various question to the incident related people is watchable and akshya prove all thje evidence against him is false and baseless in this movie. lastly does he get justice from the court or not go to the theatre and watch this movie, fully paisa wasool movie. friends you can watch this movie with your friends, wife, family and gf also but one thing I notice that the songs are not heart touchable one but I learn one thing from this movie is serve the country from heart from mind and give respect to woman dont be a traitor for your country any human do this things has no right to live on the earth(Desh ki dusman ko kabhibi maff karena nahin chahiye chahe wo apna Bhai, dost hi kun na ho) the dialoques are superb, script and locations are awesome.