Year 2000-2004 : I had admitted my son to this school in Mont-2, teachers were good, they were active and children enjoyed the school time.
Year 2004-2008 : The degradation happened by poaching of good teachers by elite schools around Bangalore, teachers left for mere 5K hike in salary and Ryan could not stop the out-flux of teachers to other schools. Somehow teachers were replaced and managed.
Year 2009 till date : Had my younger daughter admitted in 2010, the quality has degraded very fast compared to my sons time, teachers are careless, not interested and also came to know there is severe shortage of teachers for every grade, most children are resorting to private tutions.
Positives :
I still feel transportation is very good and covers most of East Bangalore and Rural east Bangalore.
Uniform quality is amazing, quality of cloth and price, it cannot be matched by any school in Bangalore, the price is really reasonable.
The school treats every child equally, be it carpenters kid or CEOs kid, thats nice, many schools in old Bangalore still fantasize Salary slip of parents, caste, religion etc etc Ryan is really way ahead in these aspects.
Fees is OK for middle -class, for home salary of 6 lacs per child, or 10 lacs per annum for two children, The hike is nominal, not like other schools who hike by 20-40 percent.
Negatives :
Quality of teachers has degraded for sure, teaching hence is horrible.
Bible verses reading are forced on children of Hindus, this is not right, I am from convent and always had respect for christian missionaries and their services, naturally I love Christ no matter what and though I am an Hindu. By forcing kids to read verses, school is letting down Christ. Bcos Christ never believes in forcing some one to follow his faith.
Shortage of buses is a serious issue of late, needs to be addressed
Conclusion : The school has to come back to year 2000 level or it may loose its reputation faster and cannot be revived. Bible reading is not good, its anti-christ. Teachers quality has to improve, even if it means 5 percent hike in Fees. I have both my kids joined in other school due to locational advantage. I would suggest Principal Mr. Prashant to pull up socks else fall behind permanently.