My son started school @ Ryan this year and is having a tough time in coping up with the pressure of this school..The teachers dont seem to give any kind of individual attention ..The Home activity that is written by the class teacher is just scribbled and there is no proper note to the parents on what they should ask the child to do ..within 1 week of the school starting the Child is made to go thru class test -I cant understand what are the teaching concepts itself ..
Earlier I had heard good things about the school but then my son is suddenly feeling a lot of change .. Class teachers are not approachable -Even on the day 1 of the school the class teacher did not even smile and Greet the parents -She was in her own world of collecting the books and sending off parents -I would have appreciated if teh teacher took some time to know the parent and Child as this will help her in moulding teh child in the year she will be a teacher ...for the sMr_customtakeouternt ...
Truly a exp not worth the time and money ...