My Kid has completed 5 years in this school and I think I am very well qualified to provide feedback on this school. The school administration and Academics are worsening every year where as the fee has been hiked 3 times in lasy 5 years each time by 10%.
The quality of teachers are bad, looks like they are not paid well, the load also seems to be very high on the teachers. The teachers tend to make mistakes and when we parents try to correct the kids are not willing to accept that teachers have thought them incorrectly. The teachers are not accepting either that they have made a mistake even after that being brought to their attention. This happened previous years and we are starting with the same problem this year too.
I have no confidence that this school will improve in the next few years. There is absolutely nothing International about this school, except the name:).
Enough of this school, I will admit my child to another school at the first opporyunity I get.