Ryan International Is selling franchisee across the country. They are taking huge donations from students. Which goes to person who is sitting may be somewhere in Delhi and having fun with this money. He is enjoying Royalty of product. Intentions here is to earn huge profits not to impart education.
You can argue thousand points against it but bitter truth is this they are here to just earn profits not to impart education to children. Same applies to DPS also. I see people are also dying for these schools. It is much better to put kid in KV school at least child will have good facilities and teacher and management which is not hungry for money.
What seeds are we putting in our children ? We all are affected by our environment a lot and children the most. The product of these schools would be money minded for sure .So think many times before you send your kid to these kinds of schools. Make judgment wisely. Do not play with the future of your child.