I am a highly disappointed parent having my child (unfortunately) in Yelahanka, Bangalore school.
July 2010
First trimester exams for 10th std. are starting during mid of this month. Can you believe that teachers are not identified for Economics, EVS & EED subjects?
Till today syllabus is not announced for this exam, its beyond my imagination! Hence, the teachers have taken risk of suggesting the previous years syllabus. Most of the subjects are still far from completion. This school has dubious distinction of completing syllabus just before a day of the examination. Maths has 13 chapters for the exam but the great teacher has completed just 1 chapter till date. She is so great that she has said that if the student doesnt understand it is not her problem!!
June 2010
This school has re-opened last week. To my astonishment there are no teachers for Economics & Commerce for 10th standard. This school doesnt deserve to be called a school. For 10th standard which is the most precious for every individual, this school is so irresponsible by not having teachers for such important subjects.We visited this school last month for paying fees.Visiting the toilet gave me a more worse impression, all the toilets are stinking. Has Ryan become bankrupt that it cant maintain its toilet?
Feb 2010
Ryan school had organized for a day-trip to Wonderla yesterday for 10 classes starting 1st standard to 12th standard (except 10th & 12th).
Students had to travel in cramped position in the school buses. Quality of these buses is horrible.
All the parents were required to pickup their child/children from the school in the evening. They need to understand before making such a poor plan. Majority of the parents have cars. How can so many cars be able to come to the school, park there, pickup their kids & travel back? First of all, they hardly have any space for car parking there. There was so much of chaos & havoc and we were able to take our car only after long duration after being stuck in the traffic.
Some of the teachers were not even bothered to ensure that the students reach their parents. They were in their own world. It was 7 PM when the first bus arrived. There was no power in the school. It is amazing that the school functions without power. If they cannot plan, organize & execute in a decent way, why do you plan for the trip?The following points are not related to the excursion, but however since we are fed-up, I have mentioned it below:
I have my friends children also studying in the school from the time it started in 2005. I have got to understand the there is no proper planning for teaching the required syllabus. Even if there is a plan, majority of the teachers dont follow it. For all the trimesters, majority of the teaching happens just 1-week before the test/exam expecting the students to study, complete their notes & excel in their examinations. This is highly unreasonable expectation. I didnt face this kind of situation anytime during my student life. In fact our teachers were angels & ensured that the teaching happens in the right way & at the right time. Ryans teachers are highly incomparable.
All the toilets in the school stink, absolutely ZERO maintenance. Cant they afford to keep the school toilet clean & without smell? Isnt this a basic need?
With so much of fundamental flaws, how can they market themselves stating that they are one of the top institutions. They need to strip "International" from the title of school. This word doesnt apply to them & has been heavily misused. They need to visit a school abroad in countries like UK & US to understand the way they function & then add the word. The school is neither an educational institution nor a business enterprise. Above facts make it very clear that it is definitely not an educational institution. It cant be considered as the latter as well, in case they did, they need to consider students as their customers & show customer orientation which is 100% missing.
I hope someone looks at this email & doesnt throw in the trash bin if they are really interested to improve the way they work & reduce the pain of aggrieved parents like us.