My kids are in IX and IV in ryan intl. Kundalahalli, Bangalore. Since Dec, the school has been asking for money, money and more money for everything. First it was the picnic, for both the kids I had to cough up about 750/- each...(I think when we are paying so much in adm. fees, activity fee, and other things, at least the school should have taken then to picnic)... and the picnic turned out to be a torture, with bad food and bad resort.
Then they asked for Rs. 500/- from my IX std kid, as a contribution for farewell to X std. Although the IX std should have been the host to this farewell party (after all, they are the ones giving their seniors a farewell...)they were called only for the lunch and not to enjoy the program and that too none of the kids enjoyed.
Some didnt even eat...the food was so bad. Now my younger one is selected in a dance for their annual function and he has been told to pay Rs. 800/- for a costume. The dance will be in a group of maybe more than 20 kids... I dont know why they cant arrange for a cheaper costume, which will anyways be unusable after this dance prog).
Also my elder one is told to bring Rs. 200/- because they are organizing sports in a stadium (I think the sports event, or any such event is the schools responsibility... why should parent bear the expenses? who told them to organize it in a stadium and not in their own school playground?... this is just getting out of hand now.....