SPJain-in existence ONLY for the last 20 years but has achieved fame and respect across the industry and the BSchool community for its pedagogic approaches and emphasis on values.
The only Brave institute in the early 90s to conciously move out of Bombay Universitys influence - Reason : NO compromise on student quality ( CET reservation adn all that!)
To add to that...
The institute that grew from being 3rd.in Mumbai to next best choice to the top 4 IIMs and XLRI today ( Cool avenues rates it 6th.)...the only Institute that selects students purely based on Merit...no reservation what-so-ever.
The first and the only Institute to boldly pursue the concept of liasoning with the social sector where by the PGDM students undertake projects in Summer holidays ( post 3rd. trimester )with NGOs., social organsiations across the country and vitalise and streamline the processes wherever required-Development of Corporate Citizenship with emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility is what its called.
The first and the only Institute to offer Autumn projects for Students whereby PGDM students work with Corporates in the 5th trimester of the second year in order that there is more than 100% contribution from both the corporate and the students
The first and the only institute where group based learning, sharing of knowledge, Real time application of management learnings, personality building-all are FORMALISED mechanisms of creating a wholesome manager
The first and the only private Institute in Mumbai to offer accommodation cum 24 hrs. Internet in the rooms.
The only...( space restriction doesnt permit me to add more points
What more do u need to know...just be there and you will be churned out as an Individual beyond yourself and a Manager beyond excellence!