Two years was such a nightmare for me studying in that school.It is more than a jail.It is a resediential school .The only thing there is study study and only study.O
nly two months they will teach +1 portions rest all is +2 portions.Morning when I was studying it is a must that all the students must get up at 5 a.m .
Break fast is between 7 to 8am and then moning we will have every dat test on a particular subjects.Then regular class till 4 , after that 4:30 to 6 will have another test.
Then back to hostel and then night dinner 7 to 7:45 pm and then study hour at 8 to 10:30pm .Seriousl no time even to breath.No holidays will be given .Even on Sundays full day study hour.Seriously it was a jail.Other than studies nothing will be there.The management is really very harsh.No leav can be taken during school days .Really hate those days