This is my second review. writing it down just after my birthday which was yesterday.the party was good. through this review of mine, I want to thank all the people like-spookay, limeice, kalil.rahman, ray1952, mihirsaxena, barghrwala, dashing_taurean etc. for liking and rating my first review. here is the second one:-
comes on zee tv on all fridays night 10 o clock sharp. it is currently hostrd by shaan who is a really cute and sweet host. the show is all about music. a musical competition actually. it is by gajendra singhs production company.
there are 4 very interesting rounds.they are the your-choice one, the one where both the contestants sing the same song(girl-girl/boy-boy), the judges choice round and the new one where everyone sings together.all rounds are well performed.
they have had some very good judges in the past, like-shubha mudgil, kavita, loius banks, abhijit, and recently.. roop and sonali rathore. but, rthey also have people like-sawan kumar tak and other music non-knowers, which is very sad as this show has a reputation.
well, what do I say. depends . sometime good, sometime bad!i liked-sanchali, neha, gaurav bangar, akanksha, gopal, nihira and ofcourse you know who-ZOHAIB(my nowdays, since 3 to 4 weeks they are getting new winners every week. this week they had a girl called ira who sounded like shubha mudgil, and niladri a strange person who won
the ahow is good. shaan has really lifted the stanard of the show up. a must for all the music lovers and you know me