Yes, u r right , I agree ,
Abhi jeet was rude and showed disrespect to such senior member like Bappi Da. .i believe he has done so because of utter frustration.., Being a singer , he knows very well the nitty gritty things of singing , and thus easily identified who is better ..But Because of this voting pattern & our own country people ( who are emotionally involved so much ) , two better singers (Abhrakanti and pawni) were out .All viewers who have been regularly watching this show will agree pawni n Abhrakanti were far better than Diwakar. And that is why , all 3 judges voted out Diwakar sometime back before this sms voting pattern was started. According to Diwarkars age , he his brillant singer , no doubt about it , but if we compare with other 2 , since it is a competition , any person with little knowlege about singing can say Abhrakanti n Pawnii are better .... . It is infact, indirectly creating sympathy...ok I agree, he should be considered at times in respect to other things but not atleast for singing , since its a talent hunt for little singers...... one must understand , organisers and mobile network companies are the only ones who are getting( earning ) the benefits out of this voting system .Say for example , 25 lacs approx votes recd last week , each sms on an avg costs Rs 2/ = Rs 50 lacs earned in last week . one must learn to stop smsing and panel of judges who are in the same/similar profession should judge and bring the best singerout of the lot , we all need to trust them , otherwise history proved that less calibre singers are winners ! This Tv shows will try hard to convince viewers for voting in all possible ways , eye wash , brain wash and all wash............. , but dear all readers , its you to decide....