The film draws a strong connection with chak de india right from the word go but still its a movie which doesnot make you movie your eyes from the movie screen even for a second. R madhavan is charged of sexual harrashment and is thrown away from the team in the same way as sharukh khan was thrown out of hockey of charges of throwing away the match. Both actors in their respective films wannted to bring gold for their country thus make their dreams come true by their students. Madhavan after his exit comes to chennai finds the girl and then the film continues as how the unthinkable happened. The dirrctor couldnot make the audience understand the film was about the teacher student relationship or how a underdog can achieve success if proper guidance is given.
The film again as chak de india shows the politicians in bad light. Every scene in the movie is predictable and you can say what is going to happen next but the sheer performance of madhavan and the actress is unprecedented. Infact I feel it is R madhavans best movie of his carree. The way he simply owned tge character as if there was a muxture of boxing and the coach. madhavan could be seen living the life of the character. Raju hirani is known to bring this kind of products in his films and makes his characters relatable. Overall the film is a good film and is watchable for everybody. Very inspiring and everyone should love it. Music, screenplay, direction, editor, everything was good.