Balasaheb at his best and his views are presented in a very amusing and humourous way
all parties are criticised in a very unique way by taking the help of some good riddles, tricky
sentences, some chirpy spicy lines and some unusual and pepper like comparison.
no doubt the newspaper is only printed for electoral gains and for publicity of sena
but the entertainment value is very huge and it is worth the money . we understand the
issues in a funny way and we feel like we want to read more. I would not like to
comment about sena and appreciate it as I do not belong to any party. I do not have
any interest about future of sena. when it is about reading and rating the news paper I
am sure one must go for it. bal thackeray is a good cartoonist , orator, editor full of fire in him.
but the performance about shiv sena his party is for you all and people to decide.