This is one of d few serials I watch on TV(indian)...i think all indian girls who are going for an arranged marriage can relate to this character...the kind of pressure the girl and her family goes thru....I can say most of the stuff they show on this serial is authentic(coz there r few serials on indian tv which show some really unbelievable things like a person is dead and he/she comes back as altogether different person..Anyways getting back to saat phere
The main characters:
Salonis Family:
Mother: Ambika
Father: Narpat Singh
Younger bro:
Younger sis: shubhra
Younger bros wife: kaveri (real villain)
Shubhras husband: Neel( he is also salonis childhood friend and ex-lover)
Aunt(fathers sister): bua saa & now her husband (he was thier driver b4 he got married to her aunt)
Nahars (Salonis husband) family
Mother & father : not alive(nothing much is said/clear about them)
A maid servant who has brought them up like her own child and is highly respected by all members of family.generally addressed as bhabho.
Elder brother & his wife:
younger sis & her husband: aditi & veer.they have a son too.
an aunt(nahars dads brothers wife) who is referred as kaki saa( is a fairly new entree).
...the storyline so far is:
Saloni is the central character. She is a girl of marriageable age and all that her parents want for her is to get married to a nice guy from their community despite the fact she is a talented girl.She sings well, is smart and confident and above all is a good person unlike her younger sister who is devilish.she respects all the elders even when they insult her (initially her own mothers behaviour is not nice towards her), is friendly with all people of her age and is definitely a good example for u must be thinking wat cud be the problem in getting such a nice girl married.There are two major problems:
1.She is dark and that makes her not good looking...i guess all of us wud hv sometime gone thru matrimonial section in classifieds: looking for tall slim gori & beautiful girl.Why is our sense of beauty limited to physical appearance?Other than that, she has fabulous figure(i mean I wud die for such a figure)...i am sure watever I do I cannot fit into her clothes....She has a good dressing sense...she is used to wear nice salwars but I have to admit post marriage she has worn some pathetic sarees...some one shud look into that....
2.her parents are not rich enough to pay the dowry amount asked by the grooms parents....i dont know when will this practice be totally eradicated from india....i guess we shud have a dowry eradication programme like polio eradication. I guess this is one of the few government scheme which is working.
But as they say u cannot fight destiny saloni gets married to a nice guy and the most important thing is her in-laws are also nice barring that idiot son-in-law.Some times I feel they(d family) are too good to be true..But before she gets married there are a whole lot of things which hv happened....the first proposal they get for saloni is from a sad & dowry hungry family. they ask for some obscene amount of money as dowry and salonis parents come up with an idea.As I told saloni has a younger brother who I think is the dumbest & meekest character on earth...Well he elopes with his girlfriend kaveri & gets married as salonis parents plan to marry him off to a rich girl so that with the money his wife gets in dowry they can marry saloni off....but this doesnot happen and that rishta is broken...but kaveri thinks saloni is responsible for all the things happening(initiallt salonis family dont accept her as daughter-in-law) and from that day forward she is salonis biggest Neel is good singer/ best friends with saloni and they both like/love each other but obviously are unaware of d the time they both realize it..its too late & also neel belongs to a lower caste and saloni is a rajput(upper caste) they cannot get married...Nahars family approaches salonis family for shubhra but again destiny plays a role and nahar falls for saloni and this creates a rift between d shubhra also doesnot like saloni....and in a fit of anger/rejection she also elopes with a guy who ditches her and also leaves her pregnant...saloni comes to her rescue and gets her married to neel(who still loves saloni but she is now in love with her husband nahar).....but neel being a nice guy, tries her best to keep shubhra happy..but she is a highy immature & a conceited/ selfish girl....she is now doubting that neel & saloni r still romatically involved....
in nahars family all r nice except veer....he is always scheming against saloni and is always lusting after other females( has a good-looking wife & a son)..when kaaki sa entered d scene she was against saloni but salonis selfless character and good nature wins her she is hers strongest ally.And as u say if u hv common enemies, u end up being kaveri & veer are quite good friends and always creating troubles for saloni.Rite now kaveri has got hold of salonis parents house and she has kicked them out..Lets see how saloni is going to get back the house(she is a universal problem solver)..she only got her aunt married(a widow) and that too a guy who is from lower caste & is not very well-off.
Until now d story is going on fine...i hope they dont mess it up by bringing a whole lot of new characters/some stupid storylines/weird deaths/extra marital affairs/old flames etc etc... and ya one more important thing is that there is a secret hidden in nahars house.nahar always carries a key with him which is d key to a room in the house and no one goes to that area of d house and even mention of that makes a usually cool nahar lose his temper.Saloni is determined to know about it.lets see how d story unfolds...rite now the zee tv people are running a stupid contest saat phere darwaze ke peeche contest....sounds stupid if u read the italicised phrase at once...overall good performance by the cast.
Watch it at 9:30 PM from mon-fri on zee....