My sensibilities are thoroughly offended by the characters of the show most primarily the personification of evil that israshi and her alpha mother, who is an apology to motherhood! All characters appear isolated and islands unto themselves in this big house. The show is the most egregious display of evilness and human depravity at its lowest. Never have I seen a teacher so devoid of compassion, students so malignant and mean-spirited and a school atmosphere rampant with negativism. The charactersarika epitomizes this. The entire class show an extremely virulent attitude toward a new student that defies analysis. Then you have the classic quintessential villainous duo in rashi and her mother and they do it so brazenly and blatantly that one begins to question ones sanity in watching their demonic perennial plotting.
They perpetuate evil in the name ofjai shri krishna which is akin to blasphemy. Rashi - and everyone else is one dimensional. Her singular purpose every waking moment is to cause mischief and is rewarded for that! It has been several months since I started watching this show and now I am at a point where, unless I see a turn of events, retribution visiting upon the two evil persons, I will discontinue watching this asinine show. Rashis spite and hatred is bordering on the psychotic; a malignant and sadistic trait deep inside her persona that must be in some manner a reflection of the true character and nature of the writer ved raj(i think), the producer and director. They appear to have this symbiotic relationship that they wish to transmit into their character.
For me the last straw was when the "gayatri mantra" is used as part of a diabolic duplicity. It is nothing short of a travesty and a sacrilege.
rashis husband and in-laws are portrayed as mindless goofs helpless in the power of their evil manipulative wife and daughter-in-law. They are like the 3 monkeys - see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil, when at times she is so loud speaking on her cell phone with her evil counterpart - swinging around in that palatial mansion like mindless marionettes.!
Gopis husband ahem is depicted as a veritable boor, an absolute heel, intolerant and not surprisingly a male chauvinistic pig . His pronunciation ofmom sounds likeom is he from the u.s.? It sounds so silly when everyone is so traditional in their greeting he calls his mother mom. The matriarch kokilaben has some modicum of a character as she is shown as being perceptive about rashi, however, she too looks helpless and silly against rashis vile deception. Her character does not go far enough. She too is shown as completely being devoid of any intelligence or wisdom when it comes to dealing with rashi. She is also shown as a tyrant and directs her frustrations only toward the one hapless creature in the house - gopi. You should have allowed her to thwart the evil duo during the competition. It ended in a very tame and insipid manner. The funny thing which is not really funny is that they are all so sanctimonious and supplicant toward their jai shri krishna. Hypocrisy is the ultimate in this show. Gopi herself has been portrayed as a vapid empty headed village idiot. The servant girl mani has more intelligence than her! It is one thing to be trusting and innocent, but quite another when time and time again she is dealt a rotten blow by the designs of the same person and she cannot put two and two together!
We need to start seeing some turn around otherwise you are going to lose your viewers. Your ratings as I see it is very low. I had to give one only because it was mandatory. I am getting tired of the same old same old spite being perpetuated and perpetrated by the duo and it is getting boring, monotonous and meaningless. It is time you threw some monkey wrenches in rashis plan, eh? Rashis evil plans are so contrived and fake that it offends ones intelligence. Isnt it time you started making gopis character more evolved, realistic and rounded where she can actually start "thinking" things out? Where is your show going?
What is the purpose? Reward evil and punish good?
I sincerely hope the producer, writer and director will take heed and will turn the show around to reflect a more positive show.
Rekha bakshi
San dimas, ca. U.s.a.