This movie is different in the sense that its a realistic movie.
they dont try to show any unrealistic or hi-fi fundas of hindi movies. they are just realistic. it seems its a story of we all, it can happen in a daily life. it doesnt let u feel bored also.
they truly depict the psychology of most men & women after marriage. I remembered a proverb after seeing movie - a boy marries a girl hoping that she will change, but she doesnt. and a girl marries a boy hoping that he wont change, but he does! it truly applies in this movie. the reasoning of a boy and the emotions of a girl are there.
they dont have a big and carefully designed story. movie rather seems like a series of events in our daily life.
vivek oberoi and rani mukharjee have played their part pretty well.
songs are very nice and listenworthy. music is catchy.