Cast: Salman Khan, Kapil Jhaveri and Saloni Aswani,
Direction: Saawan Kumar
Music: Aadesh Shrivastava
Release Date-6th April , 2006
Saawan The Love Season, as the title suggests, is a love story with some chilling moment. Anything new? No, because stories such as the one in this film have been witnessed umpteenth times earlier.The film loses its sheen mainly due to sloppy writing and to an extent, due to Saawan Kumars execution.
Salman plays a prescient character who can see calamities and unfortunate events that lie in future. In one such premonition, he makes a shocking prediction to the movie’s heroine Saloni Aswani when she is about to marry her sweetheart.And Salman predicts she will die in a week.
Then all the hell breaks.....
What couldve been an engaging saga does an about-turn soon after it takes off. Yes, a few clever sequences do tease your mind - those between Salman and Kiran Rathod deserve a mention - but the writer relies too heavily on hackneyed stuff to carry the story forward.
Frankly, the plot is never all that convoluted and after a point its start to test the patience of viewer. Besides, the pacing gets slow, and the film somehow needs over two hours to tell a very simple story that ultimately goes nowhere.
Saawan Kumar is an extremely competent director. But the way in which he takes us where he wants us to go is joyless, and without much intensity. At times, film also looks like a rushed job. The film may be a notch above his last few works Dil Pardesi Ho gaya, chand ka tukda, but when compared to Sanam Bewafa and Souten it pales considerably.
Music is passable. The tunes sound repetitive and the fact that they arent promoted to the optimum, do further harm. Cinematography is just about okay. Dialogues are well penned.
Salman looks ill at ease in a role that demands histrionics. At times disinterested, at times not too expressive, Kapeel Jhevari just doesnt convince. Saloni does her part well, getting into the skin of the character.The remaining cast is passable, endorsing their parts mechanically.
ALL UP Saawan is akin to acidic rain. At the box-office, the film will find difficult to remain afloat not only because its weak in merits, but also because it has been released without a proper build-up/promotion. Below average!