I am sure you will agree with me on one point at least that these days when a formula goes wrong in bollywood in making a movie – the director always comes out with a line that “I made this movie for my own satisfaction”, I am yet to know if SLB too came out with the same punch line after his most highly awaited baby got bombed on the BO – Now that’s one thing I am sure off as its not running anywhere now a days.
The only thing which made me laugh out loud while watching the movie or shall I say after it ended came out of my wife’s mouth that “Ye sanjay leela bhansali kee movies main kabhi hero ko ladki kyun nahin milti?”. I was really in splits. It was really heartening to see the end of the movie when at one moment it feels as if Ms Kapoor is going to stay back with Mr Kapoor and Mr Khan will never come and the next instance you feel – No - No – She is going to walk out – than again she comes back running to him – and gradually you see a shadow standing on that dark bridge really coming back to carry Ms. Kapoor along to the next dream land.
I really was wordless and speechless at the end of it all but with my eyes almost wet – thank god I didn’t dropped a tear as at that particular time my grand companion was in splits to see Mr. Kapoor doing those boxing things and final dance steps in front of the princess who was about to leave him for good.
That brings me back to the other works of SLB, I was seriously in love with “Khamoshi” day 1 when its music was launched – subject was such that it touched me deep deep down my heart and lived closer to me till he came out with the second product in such a fantastic thing called HDDCS – again – this movie left me confused as who I am gonna go with? sallu or ajay? – I think even today till half the way I am with Salman and than I jump in the band wagon of Ajay for rest of the half and suddenly I am out of sympathy for Sallu at the end – LOL
Devdas was even closer to my heart as that came at a time when I was out of my second love story and was on the door way of 3rd one(Not that it also bombed) I am talking of both the movie and the affair, but as per me – Devdas was the best of SLB, I loved its hard hitting and fantastically meaningful dialogues – even today I will never miss that movie if it comes on any of the channels.
Black was something which as per me was a diasaster – although that too was quite closer to my heart but for all the personal reasons. It was tuff for me to sit thru that movie and wait for it to end.
Now that brings me back to his latest offering “Saawariya” – what a movie – I must say. I am sure if you see it from an unbiased heart you surely will love it. Dunno why people were complaining here of its darkness and all as I didn’t noticed that(May be they watched it in pirated CD’s or some internet sites) – the movie is quite colorful and I cudnt get up in between at any of the points throughout the same. It moves with such a pace that you are simply hooked to it(Atleast I was).
The guy Ranbir is a real find – or may be SLB has given him ample of opportunity to show his histrionics – his timing is fundoo – may it be comedy – or emotions or those expressive eyes. He’s got a great body too. He is perfectly suited for the role or in the other words you can say this looks like a movie written on him, I am sure none of our other guys of his generation cud have pulled it the way he did.
He being a new guy – I seriously didn’t had any expectations and I was thinking here comes another Star Kid – whatever happens to the movie – he will surely have 10 directors standing right in front of his house anyways to sign him up. But he proves it that he really deserves the applause. You can very well see Raj Kapoor in the way he says “Ji” every where. His body language is a typical “Kapoorish”.
He steps in the perfect world of SLB one fine day, gets to know around with the help of a small time call girl, meets his bade just like that – falls in love and finally grows in it by letting her go and being happy with whatever makes her happy. Bravo, we need more of those guys in todays world.
The movie really gives you that typical Raj Kapoorish feeling – the moment I saw Zohra Sehgal as a landlady – it made me feel as if she is Mrs Briganza from the old time movies, guy walks in with a bicycle with a guitar in hand, tunes a pinao, eats a double roti in dinner with water. All he intends to do is to make others happy – come what may. In the quest of making others happy he is left with nothing in his hands yet he is happy with the memories he created. The movie really touches you in more than one ways provided you really let it do so. I could really see people with that Anti SLB attitude watching it and laughing on – I seriously don’t know what was to laugh in this one. Anyways, it’s a matter of choice – you like some – and than some you don’t.
Music is one thing which had always remained a high point of SLB films(80% times) – take out black from that list. Here too the songs are good and they go very well with the mood of the story, none of them is like I would like to edit from the movie. But only a couple of them go back to your home with you once the movie is over.
I will highly recommend this one to all who have loved somebody at some point of time and to those who have loved and lost and specially to those third kinds who have loved and let them go.
This one goes to Chintuji for her stern instruction “Review Likho”.
Ratings and comments are more than welcome as always.