To understand the movie it is pre-requisite to know something about "White Nights" otherwise the audience doesnt understand the film & start ridiculing it. Director Sanjay leela bhansali is not up to his best in this film. Audience has high expectations from him as he has given good films like "Black".
There are many unrequired songs placed in the film. The pace at which film is going is also very slow.
SLB could have done much better. Sometimes he tries to use the same style of black, But both of them have complete different subjects.
The good points about film is Ranbir kapoors Acting. he has portrayed nicely his characte of young day-dreamer. He will improve with time, but in his debut he has done well.
The actress sonam kapoor has not done very well. It is understood that her role is vey difficult. it is the director who should be blamed for not making proper use of her.
Rani mukherjee acts as narrator & performed her job well. her love towards Ranbir is admirable.
Salman Khan has a very short role and he has done well in that.
SLB should think about the Indian peopless cycology. A western theme cannot be accepted by Indian audience as it is.