I heard the name Monty for the first time as a music director(though iv alwz been a hindi music freak). The music is vry gud, utterly likeable and worth listening over and over again. The title track and "Jab se tere naina" are amongst my favorites. "Masha Allah" is also a vry cleverly prepared song. All the tracks are sweet, simple and honestly speaking- very likeable.
I gt addicted to the title track on listining to it 4 d first time and i still find that song sweet and charming. The music is not the same as has been produced for decades.
Highly recommened for all sweet music lovers. some nwly composed tracks, fresh music and sweet music are what make these tracks as unavoidable.
Do not miss it. Especially if u r a mis music freak.and these tracks are much better than the tracks of Om Shanti Om and other movies that came at that time.