This is a money saving tip for travelers whom book travel with Sabena airlines, but whom actually travel with Virgin Express on a codeshare basis.(Codesharing is when two or more airlines actually sell seats on a flight).
If you travel from Heathrow to Brussels, and book via a travel agent or direct with Sabena the fares can be very high, for example a day return on the above routing-cheapest sabena fare is £245 plus airport taxes and passenger charges.Try booking on Virgins Expresss Website at and you will find the same flights available from £28 EACH WAY plus tax subject to availability.
I would avoid connections in Brussels under one hour..this is why they have a lot of complaints from People with delayed baggage.Sabena sells it service on quick flight times and allows a minimum of only thirty minutes for changing planes.Its asking a lot for baggage to be fully unloaded on a full flight in that time, never mind transfering half way round the world to the other side of the airport.
Sabena airlines can be a very cheap way of travelling from A to B.Like all airlines they dont get it right all the time.You can pay upto three times as much and travel with British Airways, but from past travel, they still lose your baggage and you get rude and unhelpful staff in for the extra price....thats one thing Ive never found with Sabena