I personally think that in the test matches, Sachin is ok, but for the more competetive game ( 1 dayers) I think he shoulddefinately be kicked out. His batting is so bloody poor, & mind well hes supposed to be the ebst batsman in the world. Bah !! Some people see the colour of money & then change their colours. So is the case with this guy. I think all these cricketers should be banned from doing advertisments. Take Yuvraj Singh now, Im pretty sure in the next couple of 1 dayers, hes gonna get out for just 15 or 20 runs.
Well, I feel, Sachin should make the way for other better players & be put on the bench for a couple of game. So what if he is the best batsman in the world, that doesnt help winning matches for India now does it ? To be the best batsman in the world one has to proove it by performing all the time every time.
Lotsa luv,