I had never read a book by Vikram Chandra before, so when I picked up Sacred Games, I did it with no expectation at all. And it was a heavy book to pick - it totals 1100 pages. But my interest piqued the more I read.
The books opens with the introduction of Sartaj Singh, a Sikh Inspector. The book kicks off soon after, when Sartaj Singh is on the verge on apprehending Ganesh Gaitonde - the most wanted criminal/Don in India.
The narrative then breaks into 2 from there on - The odd chapters are Sartaj Singhs investigations about Ganesh Gaitonde, while the even chapters are Gaitondes back story. About how he came to be an underworld Don.
Meanwhile, there are about half a dozen subplots to enjoy - all inter-twined with the main story. The book takes you on a journey of drug trade, arms smuggling, prostitution, Bollywood, romance, terrorists, the whole gambit! But the pace never slows. Never once during the 1100 pages do you feel that the story is dragging. And thats some achievement.