(1) Each farmer gives a written statement of compliance both in their production contract and in their statement to the local county agricultural commissioner.
(2) Each grain company contracting for Saffola follows the crop throughout the growing season. Field personnel work with the farmers to ensure that the standard is followed.
(3) Field Crops Auditing (sm) of Davis, California independently inspects and reviews all aspects of the program, including every field and facility, following the crop from seed to harvesting to bottling. The verification assures the consumer that Saffola has lived up to its environmental promise.
(4) In addition, Saffola makes use of the State of California mandated Pesticide Use Reporting (PUR) program to further substantiate the grown without pesticides compliance.
Saffolas farmers use a variety of methods to control damage to the crop. Some examples include: crop rotations that limit disease and weed build-up, innovative and conventional tillage practices; choosing crop varieties and developing new varieties that are better adapted to a pesticide-free production system; and choosing farm locations, field topography, and climate zones advantageous to pesticide-free production. In addition, time of planting, rate of seeding and control of irrigation play important roles. These methods may result in the risk of slightly lower yields per acre: however, Saffola believes that the social and ecological returns more than offset these factors.
Saffola continues to do well. The edible oil industry has to be divided into two categories - One category is the cheap commodity kind. In the branded segment - there are products, which carry a brand name, but no value is being offered. There is no differentiation in that part of the industry. In this situation, what we can do is we can chase volume, get some margin and try to optimize our ROCE. On the other hand, what we have chosen to do is to move to the top end of the market. Saffola oil is the highest priced edible oil next to olive oil and Saffola is the most expensive edible oil brand in the market today. It has a clear heart care equity and a good recall. In case of Sweekar, we are continuing on a maximize margin basis.
Saffolas farming methods do not pollute the crop, soil, underground water or the air. In addition, farm workers are not exposed to any pesticides while working with Saffola grown without pesticides crops.
I HAVE ALSO HEARD THAT Saffola Oil is made from the seeds of the safflower plant. The plants (of the thistle family) are very hardy and drought resistant, with an aggressive tap root that can search up to 12 feet for water. The safflower plant can capture necessary moisture better than soybean, corn, and canola crops.
my family always use saffola oil becaus Saffola Oil is an all purpose cooking oil. Its light, clear color and mild, delicate flavor make it excellent for salads, sauteing, and baking. And because Saffola Oil is high in monounsaturates, it is extremely heat stable, excellent for frying, and can be used in place of any cooking oil.and it is known as low absorb oil