After having a bad experience at a local nursing home, I decided to get my son admitted to Sagar Hospital. The only reason I chose this hospital was because its brand. I assumed quality would flow with the brand. Unluckily, thats not the case with Sagar.
The initial admission process itself happens in a suffocating room where there are 10 people waiting with only 3 chairs and a passage where one wouldnt be able to come out if another is sitting in his chair! However, the procedure to get a patient admitted is pretty systematic.
The infrastructure is awesome. It looks more like a 5 star hotel than a hospital! The huge - clean passage ways, crystal clear toilets and non-medicine smelling rooms, every thing make a patient feel good.
Friendly duty doctors who are patient enough to explain and receive all your questions make you feel comfortable and reliable.
However, the hospital lacks the most basic of all Nursing. Every nurse in the hospital is rude and wouldnt respond to any of your alarms. Also, the patients attendant is expected to remind the nurses to administer with injections and timely medication! More worse is, nurse wouldnt communicate to the other nurse at the end of her shift with respect to the changes in medication. So, if the attendant is not smart enough, is very likely that the patient is administered with older prescription!!!
Though the house keeping does a good work keeping the entire hospital clean, they would take their own sweet time to respond. You need a sheet changed or need the floor to be cleaned, the turn-around is no less than 30 min. (I am being conservative here).
The cafeteria is one of the filthiest places in the hospital at a corner of the final floor. My employer provides with better quality food than this hospital! Much worse, the food here is very costly. A coffee costs 15 bucks and a normal South Indian meal which would cost around 20 bucks outside would cost you 50 bucks here.
Dont expect to leave the hospital for at least 4 hours after the doctors approval for discharge! It takes the billing department this good time to add every expense, very carefully!!! Thank fully, the billing dept. uses computers... or else, it would have taken them ages! And dont even think of complaining about the expenses. It would be exact double of what you would have assumed to have cost you!
Non medical expenses ran to about 5500 bucks for 4 days!!!
So, please bear in mind. Quality would never flow with self-proclaimed name and fame!