A shocking incident which puts to shame the entire doctors community. There are good doctors around but not at this place. Both Doctors and management of this Hospital is bad. Here is an incident which happened to me ( full detailed evidence is available with me).
I got severe pain in my right lower abdomen earlier in the morning so I went to the emergency facility of this hospital. I was given pain killer and then was taken for ultra sound. There I waited outside the room for half an hour and as a result of this and with severe pain I vomited. Then they took ultra sound and said they couldnt see anything as bladder was not full. I was taken back and then given one more pain killer and told to go for CT-Scan. After this I was put on IV and told to get admitted for hydrotherapy saying I have a stone. Later course was to be decided after seeing the reports. My wife filled the form some part was not to be filled saying the hospital people will do so. Then my pain reduced and I had no other symptom of worse condition. They started doing tests and then I asked why. The doctor came and said you need to under surgery as I had an 8mm stone and then said they will wait till next days ultra sound. So I said ok and said I am not ready for surgery as I think its not required. Still they did tests required for surgery and then next day after ultra sound report came the stone didnt move so they said nothing doing surgery is to be done stone wont come out. By that time I consulted another doctor referred by my friend and he said you get discharged as surgery is not required. I did so and was surprised to see the doctors reaction.
The hospital then had no concern for me. When I went to pay the bills I found my insurance got denied and when I saw the form I saw they had put admitted for surgery which was shocking as surgery part was discussed only after hours I was admitted and I had never given consent. I complained this to the head who didnt;t given any proper answer and then went absconding. Further when doctors came to see me or some minor tests like BP check , ECG were being done my wife was asked to go out which they said a rule of this hospital which I cant understand.
I left this hospital as soon I could and then underwent sound therapy called lithotrpsy which is just 30 min produce to powder your stone. Another Doctors later told me the hydro therapy and antibiotics were not required to be give to me. The hydro therapy may actually have been harmful for me. Now I am fine and back to work.
My advise is please avoid this place and also if you read this convey this message to others. I have collected some more experiences of this hospital form others which they will put up soon. Doctors here are there form doing business and I don;t think they ever remember the motto they had when they joined a medical degree college.