Feedback for Dr. M R Hariram
The doctor is good and have good knowledge, dont write unnecessary medicines. But I wont recommend this doctor, and advise to stay away from this doctor, due to the terrible experience. A good doctor needs to be a good human first. This doctor only asks for repeated checkups multiple times per week for money sake, and then dont attend a new born crying baby for 2 hours, is he even human. Or do they only care about money and not the children/patients health. They just take weight, every few days, charges 300 Rs per visit, and have no ethics or morality to inform the parents about why so many regular visits are needed. We visited many doctors and everywhere a newborn baby was given preference over any other grown up kids.
The doctor only asked us to come for regular check up visit, and after waiting for 1 hour, my kid was crying too much, I asked the staff to give us priority, they declined, saying that other have appointment. I asked them I too had called before coming and you people only told me to come in walkin at 10:00 AM, then why you didnt gave me also an appointment on phone, I was there at the exact time you said on phone. Anyway for my kid health sake, I decided to wait for more time, but after waiting for 1 more hour, still our number didnt came, and my baby was crying continuously for the past 1 hour, so I asked the staff to return our file, as for just regular checkup, I cant see my baby crying for 1 hour. The staff declined, saying that the file is with the doctor and asked us to wait. My patience broke and I had a big fight with the staff for not returning my file, as I wanted to go home. Soon, all the parents sitting there joined and blasted the nurse/staff for showing such apathy towards a newborn child. After all the parents waiting there shouting at the helpdesk, for such carelessness and apathy, the nurse immediately went inside the doctor room, and called us for the checkup. But after that day, I had never visited this doctor, who dont even have basic morality or simple brain to treat emergency cases or newborn child first before looking at regular patients.
Feedback for Dr. Tallam Prem Kumar
He is a doctor, who writes patients unnecessary and unwanted tests for money. Please read other reviews on Sagar Hospital about this doctor. I went to visit this doctor for my chronic bronchitis, I have allergic cough problem from my childhood and I know very well what that is and how it is different from viral cold, and I explained the same to the doctor about my allergic condition from childhood.
The moment I entered his cabin, he starting treating me as if I have ebola or zica virus, he hand me over tissues and asked me cover my mouth at all times, and starting insulting me, for such carelessness of not covering my mouth. Covering of mouth is not an issue, the issue is the way he insults his patients and pretends that they have a serious problem. He continued his insults, asking how much I am educated, where I work, do I have kids at home, why I am putting there life in danger, why I am taking my old cough medicine on my own, do I am a doctor? If I have problem from childhood, why I am not using inhaler, why I am just using cough syrups. I couldnt understand what to say, I thought I only had normal allergic cough, but he sounded and behaved like in medieval times people behave to someone who has leprosy, and told me to get these multiple tests done urgently. One of the tests was of H1N1 virus throat swap that costs around 7, 000/- Rs. I know my body, and I know I dont have any infection, so I told the doctor straight, I am not going for any H1N1 test. Thats it, he started his battery of insults, you IT people, you self proclaimed doctors, you playing with your kid and wife life. Finally he wrote some antibiotics and cough syrups. Obviously that didnt helped me, so after 1 week I went to another doctor, the first thing he asked why you are taking antibiotics, why the doctor wrote, when you have allergic bronchitis, I bring the reports this time for the doctor to better diagnose, as my cough is not going, the doctor told me these reports are not needed, and he dont understand why H1N1 test was written. He asked me for thyroid and vitamin D test, which I got it done, and both showed huge deviation from the normal. The doctor then explained me, that the reason why my allergic cough was persistent due to such abnormal levels of TSH and Vitamin D. He also told me to use inhaler. His medicines started working soon, and within 3-5 days, my cough problem was gone.
This is the difference between doctors, 1 doctor will insult the patient, ignore patient history and what patients feel about the situation, and try to show that he is the doctor and write stupid medicines, while the other doctor will listen to the patient, and force with authority to use inhaler and these medicines and will go deep into the actual root cause, rather than just treating the symptoms with cough syrups and antibiotics.
In both the cases of Dr. Hari or Dr. Tallam, the issue is not about medical knowledge or how they treat the disease, the issue is how they treat their patients in such inhumane way, forces unnecessary regular checkup or unnecessary test by threatening them of dire results and minting money at the expense of patients health. In sagar all doctors are there for minting money only, there is no one for social service, but there is a way in which other doctor treats people, explain them why these tests are important, and try to work for better patient health while keeping their agenda of making money and not the other way around to work for better money while keeping patient health as secondary concern.